Wahooo!!! It is that time of year...my very favorite of all!!! When everyone gets out all the red and pink hearts and begins to celebrate the month of LOVE.
As you all know by now, pink is the top of the list on my favorite colors...you can find it in almost all (well, maybe all) of my work. I love painting with pink paint because it is like creating with sugary frosting! This year we even have an extra day to play in those colors as FEBRUARY has 29 days this year!!!
I just can't help but be over the top when it comes to FEBRUARY...so stay tuned for many more pink delights!! And...
A sweet thank you to Cindy at Yapping Cat Studios...she is such a sweetheart to tell me that she has been inspired by my birdy painting...when I have, as one of my prized possessions, one of her handpainted trays from years ago that has a birdnest with eggs handpainted on it. It makes me happy everytime I look at that tray...inspired me to paint birds, nests and eggs all those years ago! Isn't it fun how it all comes full circle in this world of art and creative minds!!! And Cindy....LOVE those pots and frame!!! Your work has a delicate quality that I simply love!!!
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