One of my favorite blogs to check out is, she is an adorable artist and her work is so fun as are her little peeks into her home! Well, towards the end of the year, she was hosting a blog give away, I entered, like I have so many times on so many blogs....and guess what??? I won, not long after that I got an email from Lisa telling me that I had one and a treat filled box arrived at my house!!! But also, about that time, my camera went on the blink....kept telling me that the card was locked. Well, thankfully I finally sat down and read the manual (funny how that works!!!) to find out what to do. Did you know that the tiny card that is in your camera has a switch on the side of it??? Well, it does, and it can be switched into a lock position, or unlocked....AMAZING! now the camera is back to working, I need to catch up on so much!!! But the biggest thing is the INCREDIBLE GOODNESS that came in that box to me from Lisa! How will I ever thank her enough for all of this?
She gave me the Somerset Calendar for 2010, featuring her art doll on the January page-
She also sent two of her mini prints on plaques with these scrolly wire hangers! TOO CUTE! An adorable thank you note, a notecard of one of her prints...and all this was wrapped up and sent special delivery!!! The calendar has some great images in it, features some incredible artist and even gives the deadlines for submitting art to the Sumerset Publications! Lisa, it is a real treat to just read your blog and see your work, but to get some of them in the mail, well that was the best thing I have had happen in a long time!!! Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity!! I wish you a fabulous year in 2010, with much great art to fill it with!!!! I have more images of the pieces that Lisa sent on my personal blog: go check them out in detail!
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